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See my interview on
Eileen Fisher is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of Eileen Fisher, a line of relaxed but elegant women’s clothing and accessories. Eileen founded her company in 1984. She has 900 employees, with 54 stores in 18 states. She has two college-aged children.
Eileen Fisher on keeping priorities straight; on finding balance with her work; on what “quality time” really means; on the distinction between passion and addiction, and why business is like love.
Q: Why do you think there’s not more discussion about the intersection of work and family?
A: Entrepreneurs aren’t asked these questions. There’s this driven-ness, this hyper-focus. If you’d asked me these kinds of questions 15 years ago they would have overwhelmed me. I was so in the thick of it.
Q: You didn’t have time to stop and consider how the business was affecting your family?
A: For me the business was such a passion, such an obsession. There was so much good in it. It drove me, it was exciting, fun, happening, like a wild horse pulling me. I couldn’t get off. Continue reading